By accessing this website you are agreeing to be bound by the terms and conditions set out below. If you do not agree with these terms and conditions, please exit from this website and do not access any other pages. At any time, I may change this website, these terms and conditions, and the information contained herein, without prior notice. It is your responsibility to check these terms and conditions for changes and updates. Your continued use of this website will be deemed to be your unconditional acceptance of those changes. 

No Lawyer-Client Relationship:

Your use of (the “website”) or your communication with TLC Legal and/or Tanya L. Carlton (the "Firm") by e-mail or through the website, does not create a lawyer-client, advisory, or fiduciary relationship with the Firm or any of its professionals.  Please do not send any confidential information to me until such time as a lawyer-client relationship has been established. 

Communications Not Confidential:

The Firm does not guarantee the security or confidentiality of any e-mail or other electronic communications sent to the Firm's personnel. If you are not an existing client of the Firm, do not send the Firm your confidential or sensitive information until you have received the Firm's express request or consent to do so. You will be considered a client of the Firm only after the Firm has confirmed it is not conflicted to be retained by you and has otherwise consented to the retainer.

Not Legal Advice:

This website is for general information only and should not be construed as giving legal advice. You should seek appropriate, qualified legal advice before acting or omitting to act based upon any information provided on or though the Firm's website.  Please contact us if you would like to set up an appointment to discuss your matter privately and confidentially with a member of the Firm. 

These Terms of Use were last updated on October 10, 2016.